Monday, July 2, 2012

because i am a domestic goddess

My house may be messy, I may have dirty dishes in the sink, and I may have not mopped my kitchen floor in.. well, in a while; but I am a domestic goddess! Last night I made yogurt, from scratch! I am so proud of myself, I feel a little silly, nevertheless I made yogurt, and it wasn't even that hard. I found the recipe/idea on Pinterest (of course) and it was easy as pie to make (well, i've never really made a pie from scratch before, but everyone says it, so i'll take their word for it). <-- This is the website where I found the recipe that I followed, and it is all done in the slow cooker, which is awesome, because I love my slow cooker (I haven't always had such an affectionate relationship with slow cookers, my mom could share a story or two). There is something so satisfying about taking ingredients and transforming them into something else, I feel down right rustic pioneer-y (minus the use of a slow cooker and pasteurized milk and store-bought yogurt). I was so excited to see my yogurt this morning (you have to let it sit for 8 hours for the magical transformation) that I couldn't sleep! I woke up at 7:30 (before both my boys) and could not go back to sleep, I had to see what happened! It is nothing short of awesomeness, not only do I not have to buy yogurt at the store (Leo is not a fan of drinking milk, but he will eat yogurt, so that is a daily staple), but I will not be buying sour cream either (after straining out liquid with paper towels, a colander, a bowl and something to weight it down overnight in the fridge, voila, sour cream!). And I can use it for making ranch dressing too! Seriously my mind has been thinking all day about what I can do with my lovely yogurt (short of saving the world, it can do anything, i'm sure of it). That is why I am so darn proud of myself, I made yogurt from scratch because I am a domestic goddess!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up on the day you can print it into a book...then you will have kept your journal updated!! Way to go! You should blog about your success today too!! (Passing the written test!)
